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Upgraded reality: augmented reality is only a step toward what I call upgraded reality, in which people live through separate customised realities with their own sets of perception-modifying devices from BG

Science domain: [Life Sciences/Transhumanism]

This hypothesis was validated the 01/08/2021 10h04

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Yes this will concern a majority0 % 0 % 0 %
Yes, limited to certain people100 % 0 % 0 %
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Top-20 Members having the more credits

1. BG 27180

2. Loomyer 152

3. griffinbrooks 60

4. MJF68 30

5. Dumbo 12

6. Demago 12

7. Galileo 12

8. Experto 12

9. FutureSinsForgi 10

10. ernest 10

11. Mildredpaymn 0

12. MarilynGails 0

13. xeluxlash 0

14. edesignercheap 0

15. edbraunbermoham 0

16. ehaggbergmari 0

17. kpwowkphili 0

18. NickKaw 0

19. oanoez 0

20. ayhait 0

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