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Top-10 Most debated hypotheses
1. Voynich: The Voynich manuscript secret will be uncovered. The source language is: 2 votes
2. EmDrive thruster: propulsion systems that don’t need propellant as the EmDrive (electromagnetic drive) is possible 1 votes
3. Ray Kurzweil predicts that by the 2030s, nanotechnology will eliminate disease 1 votes
4. #covid19 : covid19 will generate a darwinian positive selection pressure over humans, selecting some psychological traits. Which ones ? 1 votes
5. Hypersleep cultural and societal consequences: repeated hypersleep will allow humans living different realities through self-paced awaken/sleeping rhythms 0 votes
6. Brain function metaphors: A promising way to model information processing occurring in mammal cortex will be to consider "cognitive textures" ? 0 votes
7. The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything will be : 0 votes
8. #Covid19 : What will be the last hashtag associated with this pandemy ? 0 votes
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