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Top-10 Hypotheses closest to deadline
1. #Covid19 : What will be the last hashtag associated with this pandemy ? 77 day(s)
2. #covid19 : covid19 will generate a darwinian positive selection pressure over humans, selecting some psychological traits. Which ones ? 107 day(s)
3. Voynich: The Voynich manuscript secret will be uncovered. The source language is: 264 day(s)
4. Hypersleep cultural and societal consequences: repeated hypersleep will allow humans living different realities through self-paced awaken/sleeping rhythms 321 day(s)
5. Brain function metaphors: A promising way to model information processing occurring in mammal cortex will be to consider "cognitive textures" ? 351 day(s)
6. EmDrive thruster: propulsion systems that don’t need propellant as the EmDrive (electromagnetic drive) is possible 717 day(s)
7. Ray Kurzweil predicts that by the 2030s, nanotechnology will eliminate disease 2056 day(s)
8. The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything will be : 27625 day(s)
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