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#covid19 : covid19 will generate a darwinian positive selection pressure over humans, selecting some psychological traits. Which ones ? : Analytical intelligence / Conformism / Social avoidance / Complotism / Other from BG will end on 01/05/2025 11h27
Covid-19 : which antiviral medication could be the best choice to lower viral levels? : hydroxychloroquin / ivermectin / remdesivir / D-vitamin / Other from BG ended the 01/12/2021 20h55
Upgraded reality: augmented reality is only a step toward what I call upgraded reality, in which people live through separate customised realities with their own sets of perception-modifying devices : Yes this will concern a majority / Yes, limited to certain people / No / Other from BG ended the 01/08/2021 10h04
Singularities: Among these potential major changes which one will occur the first? : AI singularity / Extraterrestrial contact / Virtual reality preference / Immortality / Human augmentation from BG ended the 01/09/2020 13h57
Religions: religious beliefs are often associated with a high degree of anthropocentrism. Which discipline will provide the first proof against human-centered view of the world, and consequently religions? : artificial intelligence / genetics / extraterrestrial life / philosophy / Other from BG ended the 06/10/2021 22h43
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