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analytical avoidance become behavior benefit choice complotism conformism consequences consider could covid covid19 cultural darwinian disease effect evolutionary face from generate help humans information intelligence later lower make ones over pandemic patients people positive provide psychological risk selecting selection skills social solutions successful theory these this vaccination virus vote which

Singularities: Among these potential major changes which one will occur the first? : AI singularity / Extraterrestrial contact / Virtual reality preference / Immortality / Human augmentation from BG ended the 01/09/2020 13h57

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BG (Leader of 'AI singularity') has the opinion that AI singularity (02/09/2016 14h01)

BG (Leader of 'AI singularity') says In my view, AI singularity is among the most probable paradigm change humanity will face (and generate!). However, all the possibilities listed here have an epistemological potential of "changing everything": I mean culture, religions, economy, and even metaphysics. The importance of the question is that given the order in which these likely divergences will appear, history of humanity will follow radically different ways. And face different challenges and threats... (02/09/2016 14h06)

Dumbo has the opinion that Virtual reality preference because I have random opinions! (02/09/2019 01h03)

Galileo has the opinion that Human augmentation because I always follow the minority! (28/08/2020 01h09)

Demago has the opinion that AI singularity because My opinion is that of the majority! (29/08/2020 02h16)

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Top-10 Hypotheses closest to deadline

1. #Covid19 : What will be the last hashtag associated with this pandemy ? 46 day(s)

2. #covid19 : covid19 will generate a darwinian positive selection pressure over humans, selecting some psychological traits. Which ones ? 76 day(s)

3. Voynich: The Voynich manuscript secret will be uncovered. The source language is: 234 day(s)

4. Hypersleep cultural and societal consequences: repeated hypersleep will allow humans living different realities through self-paced awaken/sleeping rhythms 290 day(s)

5. Brain function metaphors: A promising way to model information processing occurring in mammal cortex will be to consider "cognitive textures" ? 320 day(s)

6. EmDrive thruster: propulsion systems that don’t need propellant as the EmDrive (electromagnetic drive) is possible 686 day(s)

7. Ray Kurzweil predicts that by the 2030s, nanotechnology will eliminate disease 2025 day(s)

8. The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything will be : 27594 day(s)

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