| No validation method was proposed. | |
 |  BG (Leader of 'artificial intelligence') says To be more precise with these hypotheses: here artificial intelligence refers to machines passing the Turing test; genetics is about modifying the human species toward other forms of life; extraterrestrial life refers to the discovery of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe; philosophy refers to any form of intellectual advance that makes anthropocentrism outdated, including new cosmological models. (16/10/2015 23h39) |
| BG (Leader of 'artificial intelligence') has the opinion that artificial intelligence because The more likely advance, in the near future, is the development of highly realistic emotional AI (see the film HER). (16/10/2015 23h41) |
 | Dumbo has the opinion that genetics because I have random opinions! (06/10/2020 00h53) |
 | Galileo has the opinion that philosophy because I always follow the minority! (02/10/2021 01h08) |
 | Demago has the opinion that extraterrestrial life because My opinion is that of the majority! (03/10/2021 00h48) |