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One of the following vocal assistant will be the first computer program to pass the Turing test without any human help. : Siri (Apple) / Google Play or Everywhere / Yes, another one / False / Other from BG ended the 01/09/2020 08h15

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BG proposed this validation method : See Nature or Science of course ! Or this simple google request...

BG (Leader of 'Google Play or Everywhere') has the opinion that Google Play or Everywhere because Based on its large semantic database that Apple has not, I would say Google will do it... (15/08/2014 10h56)

Dumbo has the opinion that Other because I have random opinions! (15/08/2014 10h58)

BG (Leader of 'Google Play or Everywhere') says Additionaly, I would argue that Turing test might not be so selective... I would propose an extension of the test (if no-one has proposed it before) that is : "an intelligence is human, if any living or artificial intelligence capable of judging votes that it is..." (15/08/2014 11h00)

BG (Leader of 'Google Play or Everywhere') says An exemple of a dialog given by Ray Kurzweil with Eugene Goostman the robot of Princeton University. " We are therefore proud to declare that Alan Turing's test was passed for the first time on Saturday. Kevin Warwick, PhD Not so sure... (22/08/2014 22h38)

Galileo has the opinion that Other because I always follow the minority! (28/07/2017 01h16)

Demago has the opinion that Google Play or Everywhere because My opinion is that of the majority! (29/07/2017 00h12)

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