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comment "One collateral outcome of upgraded reality will be found in psychology and psychiatry. A criteria of mental illness is a disturbance of reality perception and one goal of mental health care is to bring the patient in a better relationship with reality, and his environment. With new technologies, reality could be modified sufficiently to meet the patients' needs, like an extreme extension of what is made 'nidotherapy'. Psychiatric classifications, psychotherapies would be profoundly modified because one way to provide wellbeing could be the modification of reality! New kind of psychotherapist or 'reality builders' should be trained."   Upgraded reality: augmented reality is only a step toward what I call upgraded reality, in which people live through separate customised realities with their own sets of perception-modifying devices 27/08/2017 13h50

comment "See a post of these ideas on Kurzweils' excellent forum: "   Upgraded reality: augmented reality is only a step toward what I call upgraded reality, in which people live through separate customised realities with their own sets of perception-modifying devices 27/08/2017 10h44

comment "The remaining question concerns the way that traditional politicians will manage this new leadership, as their legitimity to rule the world will be limited to specific instances of an upgraded reality. At some point of the process from current system to the new, very complex politic conflicts and even "war" will happen as political power over territories and populations never accept to subordinate. "   Upgraded reality: augmented reality is only a step toward what I call upgraded reality, in which people live through separate customised realities with their own sets of perception-modifying devices 27/08/2017 10h39

comment "In this model, the main concern of major companies would be to propose "worlds" in other terms, cultures, perceptions, interactions that fit well to the needs, the tastes, and even the libido of their customers. As in the question of the effects of hypersleep on our societies upgraded reality will extend the limits of our planet for an always increasing population. These parallel realities could help people finding an acceptable place and destiny and reduce conflicts though new world political instances (a kind of World Union of Upgraded Realities) that would allocate physical resources and manage possible conflicts"   Upgraded reality: augmented reality is only a step toward what I call upgraded reality, in which people live through separate customised realities with their own sets of perception-modifying devices 27/08/2017 10h30

comment "The idea of "upgraded reality" is a profound change in the way a human being interacts with his environment and the world. The physical and the sociocultural worlds that have always been conceived as our common reference, will be customized by each person so that group of people will adhere to almost non-overlapping perceptions. The only limit will be set by the Pauli exclusion principle."   Upgraded reality: augmented reality is only a step toward what I call upgraded reality, in which people live through separate customised realities with their own sets of perception-modifying devices 27/08/2017 10h14

comment "High-earning traders will quickly become an endangered species as AI takes over the financial sector. "   Artificial intelligence: the development of AI decision and the possibility given to AIs to hold properties will lead to the dispossession by humans of any forms of belongings 28/03/2017 10h11

comment "In french 2017 elections campaign, one candidate (M. Hamon) raised the topic about the progressive end of "work" and of a universal income for everyone. He argued this issue was also discussed by Bill Gates under the term of "robot tax" There is a very strong debate about the problem that could arise if human work and money aren't correlated anymore. In the question of property, the same issue appears with AI and not robots. But here, the question is about belongings under any form. The unprecedented speed of AI such as in the excellent film "Her" could result in a complete distortion of the markets with a drastic increase of virtual belongings prices. Thus, real world belongings would not be as valuable as they were until the arrival of AI in the property holders field."   Artificial intelligence: the development of AI decision and the possibility given to AIs to hold properties will lead to the dispossession by humans of any forms of belongings 15/03/2017 10h09

opinion "This could be a new way to solve the complex problem of warming tissues (University of Minnesota)"   Cryogenic conservation of tissues: Radiofrequency inductive heating of iron nanoparticles may allow tissue warming without damage, a step toward cryogenic sleep 10/03/2017 14h08

comment "Agents driven by artificial intelligence will obtain the possibility to hold property and goods will trade with their homologs. Economic growth will be progressively driven by AI financial decisions. Humans will only have a spectator point of view on this exponential virtual market."   Artificial intelligence: the development of AI decision and the possibility given to AIs to hold properties will lead to the dispossession by humans of any forms of belongings 06/02/2017 16h28

opinion Artificial intelligence: the development of AI decision and the possibility given to AIs to hold properties will lead to the dispossession by humans of any forms of belongings 06/02/2017 16h22

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