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comment "EmDrive is one of the spaceship equipment that would allow interstellar travels. The problem is that no proof of feasability or even theoretical arguments demonstrate that this system could be designed (picture: White et al. via AIAA)"   EmDrive thruster: propulsion systems that don’t need propellant as the EmDrive (electromagnetic drive) is possible 01/01/2017 11h55

comment "Here I propose that brain cortex is made like a tissue as in our clothes. From the repeated connections of this tissue specific information processing will be generated and allows learning, planifaction, categorization, etc. "   Brain function metaphors: A promising way to model information processing occurring in mammal cortex will be to consider "cognitive textures" ? 31/12/2016 13h35

comment "Please, also comment on Kurzweil's fantastic blog! "   Augmented humans vs. conscious AI: as humans may benefit from brain implants and AI cortical extensions, AI will benefit from the conscious properties of biological brains. 30/12/2016 17h56

comment "With the mastery of hypersleep, each human being will be able to control the timecourse of his life by choosing the number of years/decades/centuries between each wakening. Different populations will be synchronized this way and will be able to use the same places/cities while never crossing each other. Hypersleep will generate the possibility to have parallel humanities expending the number of humans being able to live on a planet. Social and cultural consequences are considerable..."   Hypersleep cultural and societal consequences: repeated hypersleep will allow humans living different realities through self-paced awaken/sleeping rhythms 29/12/2016 14h14

comment "Here, we submit the hypothesis that articial intelligences (i.e. silicon based AI) will look for getting an access into biological consciousness by being plugged into animal or human brains. This is the exact opposite of the human brain extension in which humans look for extra cognitive skills with cortical implants."   Augmented humans vs. conscious AI: as humans may benefit from brain implants and AI cortical extensions, AI will benefit from the conscious properties of biological brains. 29/12/2016 14h05

validation "Yes!"   Trump vs. Clinton (US Election 2016): the winner of this vote will be... 09/11/2016 21h16

comment "As Niels Armstrong was the first man to travel where nobody went before, thus changing the way we think about humankind, I propose here that a human mind extension into silica (or computer hardware) may be our next travel. When computer hardware will be strongly connected with our cortex, an extension of consciousness will occur. Then it will be possible, in a case of anesthesia to "unplug" our biological brain and let only "think" the computerized psyche. It appears that when coming back to consciousness a form of mental travel beyond the biological soul would have been achieved!"   New frontiers: when will the first human consciousness make a travel into a non biological substratum (i.e. artificial neural networks, computers, or quantum computers)? 22/09/2016 18h49

comment "In my view, AI singularity is among the most probable paradigm change humanity will face (and generate!). However, all the possibilities listed here have an epistemological potential of "changing everything": I mean culture, religions, economy, and even metaphysics. The importance of the question is that given the order in which these likely divergences will appear, history of humanity will follow radically different ways. And face different challenges and threats... "   Singularities: Among these potential major changes which one will occur the first? 02/09/2016 14h06

opinion Singularities: Among these potential major changes which one will occur the first? 02/09/2016 14h01

comment "Well... it appears that Trump enters in some trouble zone these days !"   Trump vs. Clinton (US Election 2016): the winner of this vote will be... 25/08/2016 19h00

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