| Dumbo proposed this validation method : The SETI organization site.  | |
 | Dumbo has the opinion that Other because I have random opinions! (28/10/2013 15h01) |
 |  BG (Leader of 'True') says Taking into account the Drake equation evaluating the the number of technological civilizations that might exist in our galaxy, the SETI organization looks for proofs of alien life existence. If it succeeds in achieving this goal, it will be the most incredible news in the history of mankind! (28/10/2013 15h07) |
| BG (Leader of 'True') has the opinion that True because I hope so! But in fact, I think that it will take decades or centuries... (28/10/2013 15h08) |
 | Galileo has the opinion that Other because I always follow the minority! (27/09/2020 00h44) |
 | Demago has the opinion that True because My opinion is that of the majority! (28/09/2020 01h35) |